Travis W.

General Director

Having been discipled as a brand new Christian it left me with a lasting impression of the need to come along other Christians and teach them what it is like to be a follower of Christ. 2 Timothy 2:2. I see discipleship (moving people to become committed followers of Christ) as the only way to effectively grow the church.

I started full-time with Discipleship International in 2004 leading Equip to Serve groups and discipling men one on one. I love the relationships that come out of learning about Jesus together. I am currently focusing my overseas work in Kenya and Uganda and East Asia. I am blessed by the relationships that have been built with our partners Manee Kenya & STEP Ministries. My wife Jennifer and I have 5 children and our commitment to disciple them into mature believers in Christ is one of our priorities. 

I have now been Director of DI for over 5 years and am learning to wait patiently on the Lord for his timing but also to be active each day in sowing the seeds of the Gospel. 

1 Corinthians 3:6-7

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