Whims Discipleship Udpate December 2024

For the last update of the year I would like to share my heartfelt thank you for your financial and prayer support throughout 2024.

We definitely sense that the world is moving away from God and that human wisdom is ruling the day but we are reminded that God is always in absolute control and that in the darkness, light shines brightest as we follow the Light of the world.

John 1:5 - “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”

I am reminded of what God told Habukkuk when things looked bleak in the broken world of his day.

Habbukuk 1:5 - “Look at the nations and watch— and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told.”

I am grateful for the opportunities to invest in lives here in the Vancouver mainland and all over the world as God directs our paths. As God leads I am excited about what God has in store for 2025 even amidst pain and suffering. In 2024 we were able to see many being discipled to be disciple makers locally, across Canada and all over the world despite difficult circumstances.

Baptisms in the Philippines with Pastor Lorwin

I was blessed to visit brothers and sisters across Canada, Mexico, Asia and the UK with the goal of helping believers grow in their faith and live out their calling to make disciples. We were so encouraged as we met with and heard the stories of evangelism, baptism and discipleship taking place in otherwise dark places.

Discipleship training in Africa

Door to door evangelism in Cuba

Please be in prayer for our local Equip to Serve groups and teams all over the world who have such a hunger to see believers grow in the faith.

Until all are discipled,

Travis & Jennifer Whims


Valdemar’s September 2024 Update