George and June Baarschers Christmas Update 2023
Dear Friends,
Once again, Christmas is fast approaching and I find myself thanking God for His gift of life through Christ our redeemer. I also thank Him for blessing us through His Spirit who lives in every one of us whom He indwells and cherishes. I pray all is well with you as we await His trumpet call and that we will meet Christ in the air and we will be with Him forever, and as we wait, we say-“Come Lord Jesus come.”
Last week, I thanked Travis Whims, our current DI Director, for His commitment and his leadership in reaching the world with the gospel and training leaders to: Win – Build – Mobilize. Please pray for him as he continues to work with our board, staff and our leaders both here and abroad.
For those of you who are not aware of my health issues, I have been battling with Parkinson’s and my health has deteriorated to the point that I am no longer able to function as well as I would like to. I have maintained contact with our leaders and working with our director of Manitoba, Tom and Lisa Friesen.
Valdemar, George, and Tom
I thank you all for the years of support, with your prayers, financially and ongoing friendship and support in so many various ways. Both June and I thank God for each one of you and wish to express our love for you all. To those who are financially supporting us, we are officially retiring at the end of March 2024, with that date in mind we would earnestly pray and encourage you to transfer your support to Valdemar Sanchez, our director of Discipleship International Mexico, and his wife, Irma, both of whom have shown great devotion for the Lord and to the work of making disciples where ever they go.
May the Lord lay this on your heart as He has mine, if this is your wish, please contact our DI office by email: or by calling 604-275-0850 and let our staff handle it from there.
We praise God for all the work that He has accomplished through all those who are involved in the ministry. DI has expanded throughout the world and made this a truly international ministry. We give thanks to the Lord for He alone is worthy of all honour, praise and glory now and forever more!
Love to you all, and wishing you a very blessed Christmas,
George and June Baarschers