Whims Family Update Oct. 2022
My son Jordan is getting excited about our upcoming Mission trip to Tehuacan and Pinotepa Mexico. We had our first team meeting last week so it is becoming more real. We appreciate the support that we have received for the trip and are sitting at 80% covered which is amazing. Donations can still be made to DI for our trip and also for the purchase of Bibles and bridge illustration tracts at http://bit.ly/2OU7vtE or e-transfer donations can be sent to office@discipleshipint.org. Please be in prayer for the team of Marcus, David and Zach, Jordan and myself and for the team of Valdemar, Irma, Mimi and Georgi who will be joining us from northern Mexico. Pray also for Ismael and his wife Rebbeca and Rafael and his wife who are organizing the work in Tehuacan and Pinotepa, especially for Ismael and Rebecca who have a child on the way for the end of December. Pray also for the hearts of all those we will be sharing the gospel with during our time in Mexico.
Meeting with Ismael to plan our mission trips to Tehuacan in November 2022 and January 2023
We are 4 weeks into a new zoom discipleship group with Pastors from across Africa including Sierra Leone, Niger, Rwanda, Ethiopia and Tanzania. Challenges with connections remain but we are recording each session to be made available each week. Already these Pastors are taking what they learn and teaching it to their church members. Below is a picture of a new group in Tanzania under Pastor Patrick. Pray for the training to come across clear despite network issues and for plans to visit these Pastors next year in person.
We were blessed to have a local retreat the last weekend in September with Pastor Phil Harris from Johnston Heights Church in Surrey. The focus was on evangelism and discipleship and brought our staff, board members, volunteers and students together for a time of learning and fellowship. It really felt like a family get-together, which it was since we are brothers and sisters in Christ. Pray for Pastor Phil and the Harvest ministry that he is part of and for discipleship training he does locally and in Rwanda and The Philippines.
On November 5th is our next Half Day of Prayer at 5 Stones church in New Westminster, BC. This is an amazing time to have an extended time with God and all are welcome. https://www.discipleshipint.org/get-involved/half-day-of-prayer-11052022
Thank you for your prayers and support as we continue to serve God in making disciples who make disciples.
Until all are discipled,
Travis & Jennifer Whims