Sharing the Gospel in Mexico

It is with a grateful heart I report to you the events of my mission trip to Monterrey in Nuevo Leon, Mexico. I witnessed once again God’s power of salvation to all those who repent, believe and receive Jesus Christ as their Lord & Saviour.

He led our team of 7 Canadians and 11 Mexicans to 9 communities and 2 prisons in 2 weeks where a total of 270 people lives were changed forever.

 Our message was clear, “The time is now, repent and believe the good news.” At the beginning of our presentation, we talk about the abundant life God has planned for us. In John 10:10 it says, “the thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” And at the end of our presentation, we list God’s three promises, “Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life. He does not come into judgement, but passes from death to life.” John 5:24

In the first 3 days, 70 new believers received Christ and Isaac, this young man seen in the picture above started attending church that very same week, PTL!

Rosa E, seen to the left in received the good news from Michael Dunne and his team at her bedside. She suffers from advanced diabetes and receives dialysis daily. Before the team left, she agreed to a Bible study in her home and asked for a wheelchair to get to her dialysis appointments.

Right away Valdemar & Irma (DI’s Director in Mexico and his wife) found her a wheelchair and started a Bible study PTL

Here’s one more amazing story of God’s power and grace at work. While we were at the Youth Prison one of the young ladies shared with us her upcoming hearing and desire to be released so she can be with her family. One of our Mexican team members, Aby, prayed for her and we heard that she is released and reunited with her family, PTL!

(Aby is the young lady standing at the far-right end of the back row)

God abundantly blessed all of us with overwhelming love, joy and peace on this mission trip. He changed our lives as much as He changed the lives of those who we were sent to harvest for His kingdom.

Again, my heart is filled with thankfulness toward you for your prayers and support, PTL!

Love Sue




East Africa Update


ETS Helped Me Grow in Faith