South Asia Update January 2024

Greetings in the matchless name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. My heart is over joy to see your love and unceasing support in this time of severe difficulties. From my heart to you and all the Discipleship International Team my sincere gratitude and love to you all.

From 6th May 2023 till today the 25th of January 2024 almost 9 months our family has been going through a very challenging time and as you have heard and seen and even prayed for me. We left everything at home and we really had nothing in our hand, from one location to another, from one house to another, a total of 6 different locations.

In all these hardship, difficulties, and sleepless nights, the Lord has been so faithful to our family. There is nothing He did not do for us. Everywhere we move, there was always someone to help us and stand beside us. I remember the word of God in Psalms 125:2 it says, “As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the LORD surrounds his people both now and forevermore”. He indeed surrounded us with His mighty hands. The whole DI Team is a mountain to me, you have surrounded me with your mighty hands with prayer, love and financial support unceasingly. Words cannot express how much I am happy to you and all the DI team. May God continue to bless you all.

As I have been praying to God to give me a place and people to work for you. I prayed that "Lord I am here in this foreign land, I do not know here what to do, but I know that you can use me here too". So that was the prayer every day. The Lord answered my prayer very quickly. He gave me to work in 2 bible schools. Praise the Lord.   

Today I realized that I am in the plans of God. Though the situation I faced was immeasurable and spent many heartache days of mourning, not knowing what is this life going on and where it is taking me? I really don’t know what to say at that time. But today I came to realized that God loves me, and I am still in the plan of God. Jeremiah 29:11 has been a great comfort at this time. It says, “for I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future”. He is giving me hope and a future at this time of difficulties.

Praise the Lord, He has opened the way for me again to work alongside of a friend in a ministry called “Antioch International Mission” here in South Asia. This mission gives short term 3 months training to the newly converted believers from the unreached people group and sent them to their own people in the mission field. At present there are 15 willing missionaries (7 ladies and 8 gents) who has the desire to work as a missionary in the field to their own unreached people. In this disciple training, I am using ETS books as one of the subjects. I have started Book 1, session 1, and they will study all the 6 books as we continue our training. Appreciate your prayer and help.

By God’s grace my wife is keeping healthy, and she has been a great help in these days, because she can speak hindi and the local language where I do not know the language. She is the main communicator for me as well as for the mission. And again my daughter, because of your love and prayer she got 3rd rank in her second standard final exam. Appreciate your prayer. Now she got admission to a new school, we are excited to see her growing in grace and the fear of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Well thanks again to you for all the good things you are doing to me and to our family. May God bless you.

 I am sending some of the pictures, I hope you may like it. 

In Christ,



January 2024 Update from Peter in Tanzania


God has been Faithful! For His glory.