Madhumita’s Mission Update

“For Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body but made alive by the Spirit”

As I was handing out tracts on one of the Saturday outreaches, I suddenly noticed a man whose attention was focused on me in a way that clearly indicated he wanted to say something to me. Without any hesitancy, I walked towards him quite certain that he was from my country of origin. I crouched down and started to talk to him. From his accent, I understood that he was from one of the metropolitan cities in India and well educated. He grew up without a father. He mentioned that he was a Christian his whole life and has a mother who lives in India. I asked, “What brought you to Canada?” It broke my heart to hear his answer. He said that when he was living in India, he fell in love with a South Indian girl living in Canada. She promised to marry him and settle down in Canada.

When he moved to Canada, the story was different and she deserted him and he ended up on the street. He is not able to return to India or live his dream life. He said that he uses drugs that impact his mental function especially in the area of thinking and memory. I asked myself, “How can someone sacrifice everything for an untrustworthy, deceiving love that is just temporary and, in this case, left this man deserted and living on the street. However, the love of God is permanent, unconditional and pure. Jesus sacrificed His life on the cross for us to demonstrate that love which often we reject because we are blind. At the end of our conversation, I said one thing to him; that it is only though God’s grace that you can be saved and to receive that grace, one has to read the Bible, repent of their sins, invite Him into their heart.

  1. Training & Equipping: God has opened another door to start a new ETS training in the state of Haryana with Glory. She wants to do the ETS training so that she can disciple her Neighbours. She is a Member of a church which lacks evangelistic training to teach the church members how to go and make disciples. She is looking forward to learning how to go and make disciples in her neighborhood. Sharon leads this training every Friday night.

  2. Lovely and Liton, of the ETS (Equip to Serve) South Asia group have started a second ETS group with seven members of the tribe of Garo Baptists who are committed to ETS training. ETS equippers are excited as they have completed their Book 3. This has been an eighteen month journey to finish all three books. Junmonni, from this group, has shared the gospel with a family to whom she gave gospel tracts to learn about God.

  3. Sharon and I shared the Bridge Illustration in Abbotsford in a door-2-door outreach. We had a great time of visiting families and giving out cards with Bible verses and the million dollar gospel tract to about 20-25 homes. In one of the homes, a person named Gary invited Christ into his life. It was a day of celebration for us to see how Holy Spirit led him to give his life to Jesus.

My two sons and I went to join the soup and sandwich outreach at Main and Hastings led by Zach, leader of the outreach evangelism for Discipleship International. It was one of the best days! I had opportunities to share the Bridge Illustration with more than 10 people and gave out Bibles and challenged them to read it to know the truth. My two sons had a great time distributing tracts and serving food. Even though it is challenging, it is one of the best places to encounter people who really need the love of God and to know and experience it personally. They are broken, hurt, angry and living without hope. But many of them are still seeking to know the truth that will set them free. I am privileged to share God’s love!

Thank you for your prayers and support in making disciples of al nations.


Prayer Requests:

  • Pray for BETS students starting Book 4, for good health, commitment to keep up their studies, verse memorization, consistent quiet time and sharing their testimony and the Bridge Illustration with others.

  • Pray for the mother and son who are beginning to know God through Junmonni for her to continue to follow up with them.

  • Pray for Gary who invited Christ into his life, to read the Bible consistently and know more about God and for his family to receive the gospel and be saved.

  • Pray for 3 students of ETS group in Abbotsford who are really hungry to know more about study of the word of God.


Ismael’s Update December 2022 


South Asia Update