Tanzania Update
Thank you for your prayers and funds support to continue discipling in Tanzania…
We had a DI training in Chato, Geita with 25 attendees, and another one in Simiyu Province with 80 people. I have launched the program at Geita, and the disciples will be meeting every week for Book 1 of the ETS series.
At the Simiyu Province, the DI Program was launched too, praise the Lord! And more copies are needed for these classes. I have to print the copies of the books and send them to these groups every three months.
Soon I’ll be traveling to lakezone (Geita and Simiyu regions) to start three ETS groups there. I hope this becomes fruitful, so we can have more groups there.
Please, pray for these trainings and ETS groups, and to have our own Printer machine, that would be a great help to us.
Thank you again for all your support!
Pastor Peter Kitang’wa
Discipleship International