The Important Questions

Why D.I.?

Well I'm now in my 40s and I asked myself some pretty important questions.

  • Does my life honour and glorify God?

  • Am I living out the Great Commission?

  • Can others see Christ living in me?

  • Is my relationship with God growing?

  • What am I doing to spread God's love?

I didn't feel good about answering these questions. With the busy life I've led, where would I find the time to discipline myself? The fact was, the world was keeping me too busy and I knew I was headed for a break down. I needed something with accountability, structure, and a plan for success that would help me grow in my walk with Christ. So after I was introduced to D.I. I asked myself, "If no D.I. then what?"


What have you gotten out of D.I.?

Group accountability and encouragement from fellow students has kept me obedient and faithful in my walk and growth in Christ. My daily Bible reading, journaling, and prayer time with God have become solid disciplines in my life. They no longer feel like chores but I look forward to them each day.

One amazing thing I've learned is that memorizing scriptures has nothing to do with how well I perceive my memory to be. It is simply a matter of effort, dedication and repetition. In over 20 years of being a Christian I had memorized only one verse from the Bible. In the past year I have memorized 30 and quote them at least once a week while I drive to and from work.

Witnessing is my weakest discipline. D.I. is training and equipping me to effectively witness to others and is helping me in keeping what I Peter 3:15 says, "But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear." (NKJV)

I would recommend D.I. to anyone looking to strengthen their walk with Christ, no matter how short or long they've been saved.

— Burke, Canada


Rooted in Christ